Dear Community Member,
Thank you for considering supporting the Ponaganset Education Foundation Annual Golf Tournament. The Ponaganset Education Foundation is an independent community-based non-profit organization administered through the Rhode Island Foundation. The mission of the organization is to foster student excellence, teacher creativity, and school-based initiatives at the Ponaganset Schools by awarding grants for worthy projects. In addition, the foundation supports and administers the "First Class Scholarship Program." We are seeking community support to enhance the educational opportunities and assist the post-secondary goals of deserving students. To date, the foundation has awarded $543,000 in scholarships and over $69,500 in grants for high school and middle school education projects.
I am proud to feature our First Class Scholars through Winter 2023 on the Our Scholars page. Your contributions are tax deductible, and by supporting our organization you are making a lasting impact on the lives of children from our community.
Please "Help Us Help Them."
With Gratitude,

Mark Baker, President